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Many of you know that I'm a huge Xenoblade fan.
For me it is my favourite videogame series of all time.
But I'm curios which one is your favourite videogame series of all time?
#XenobladeChronicles2 #ゼノブレイド2 #XenobladeChronicles #ゼノ
Cool Progamer lizard Vtuber 「AKARITERU ✨🌌🍀」さんのイラストを描かせていただきました。
#ゆるさばARK2 #ゆるさばART
とらこさん #torakogames1173
風雅ノイチさん #Kazamiya_Noichi
ホーポン・コレットさん #hoopon_collett
エフィーナ・グレースさん #ctg_elfina_V
#ゆるさばARK2 企画イラストのラフ、二名進みました!
とらこさん( #torakogames1173… https://t.co/OA7RfOPRVa https://t.co/V5htubzfMJ
SAEKO: Giantess Dating Simの体験版をプレイしました
For the 14th Anniversary of the best videogame series ever, here is a little collection of my four favourite Xenoblade fanarts I drew so far.^^
Xenoblade is and will be amazing forever.
#Xenoblade_fes24 #ゼノブレイド14周年 #Xenoblade
-bllk nebak profesi kira2 ini bachira pengurus daycare, chigiri singer, isagi artist, reo performance director, nagi progamer, rin apa ya?
wow it's #PortfolioDay???
I'm a freelance illustrator doing work for the videogame industry and Vtubers!!!
I don't want Karuma Project's plot to be a westernvideogames-soapbox like "STRONG WAMEN REPRESENTASHUN",
like I want everyone to be "weak" in the suffering cycle even if they're reincarnated as gods in the heavenly realms.
overcoming their weakness is what makes them strong
hloo artist! oc baru brojolll xixixi ada yg mau ber☁️? yg ga masalah accku yume, hoyogame, animanga sksksk