Hannah Pike -

In medieval lit and folklore there are stereotypes such as monstrosity, demonised fae whereas YA has become more sympathetic over time

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butterfly winged depictions of fairies links fairies as spirits of the dead as the butterfly is often considered the mythical shape by the soul following death

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John Anster Christian Fitzgerald was nicknamed "Fairy Fitzgerald" for his main genre. Many of his fairy paintings are dark and contain images of ghouls, demons, and references to drug use; his work has been compared to Hieronymus Bosch and Pieter Brueghel

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FAIRY KEYNOTE I'll be presenting on 'Fairy Lepidoptera: The dark history of butterfly-winged Fae' Conference 8-11 April How did fairies get their butterfly wings & how did they come to be associated with the dead? https://t.co/bqQr1JxA2I

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