The 2D is kinda creepy looking sometimes.

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9 69


0 4

(Oh god. Oh god. Oh godohgodohgodohgod.)

0 3

Famous Krista lines while playing FFXIV:

" 'Scuse me Tank?!.. Oh I'm Tank"

Haley and Matt put up with so much bless them 😂🙏🏻

1 11

Me: Ok... I'm as ready as I can be before the group gets together for a Session 0.
-Group sets a date for Session 0.-
Still Me: Ohgodohgodohgod, gotta get this, and I'm missing that, order some of those, need to flesh out the NPC they won't meet for weeks... aaaack!!

7 12

(I'm suddenly very hyped)

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