here are the first of our marvellous mallards. 🦆 🦆

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Moody teenager dinosaurs who think they know better than everyone else.

Can’t wait for the next ’s Art Club Sunmer Challenge


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Even more ’s Art Club Summer Challenge!

Weird and wonderful wizards wizarding!

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’s Art Club Summer Challange

Unbelievably Unique Unicorns

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Day 10 of ’s Art Club Summer Challenge

Cyborg snails, but, is that a Centurion?

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Day 7 of ’s Art Club Summer Challenge.

Dreaming Kittens.

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Day 6 of ’s Art Club Summer Challnege.

Hot air bum!

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Day 5 of ’s Art Club Summer Challenge

The evilest of brain robots. Or brainbots™️ as they will be forever known.

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Day 5 of ’s Art Club Summer Challenge.

The Queen in Quicksand!

On an unrelated note, has anyone seen Prince Charles??

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one of our goats are seriously competitive! ⁦

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Y6 have enjoyed sketching out tribes of bottom burping baboons!

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"Captain Cheese, Avenger of Cheese and Defender of Earth" by Cian (who says he is very sticky)

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Oscar loved your class so much he created another monster too

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Another brilliant today - here are Finn's latest efforts 👏🏻 This is why he looks forward to Mondays 😊Thank you - truly the Joe Wicks of art! 🙌🏻 🌈

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