[Obey Me! MC]
「Trivia 03」
Ryouhei & Kisa.

- Ryouhei can see spirit & ghost while Kisa loved by them.
- Both of them are the perfect vessel for spirit.
- Ryouhei guarantor is Mammon. Kisa guarantor is Lucifer

Art FB Upi Kyun

9 103

[Obey Me! MC]
「Trivia 02」
Ryouhei & Kisa.

- Ryouhei & Kisa came from Suwa Household. The Ancient Priest lineage from Suwa area in Shinano.
- They trained to be a Priest and Priestess.

Art FB Upi Kyun

7 82

[Obey Me! MC]
「Trivia 01」
Ryouhei & Kisa.
- Successors of Suwa Clan.
- They are 4 years apart.
- Ryouhei is an Extrovert; Kisa is an Introvert.
- They both came to Devildom by accident.

Art FB Konacha

15 134