3) Bitcoin Visionary Art. A collection dedicated to the paradigm change that and are bringing to the world.


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2) Psychedelic and visionary art.

“DEBUT” - exhibited at NFTNYC and won the Special Merit award on Digital Art category at Northern Lights gallery




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"Avoid Gurus Follow Plants" - Terence McKenna

Have a lovely day. Connect with Nature where you belong and can recharge.

Art - “GAEA” (https://t.co/OGWdhVf3SS ).

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Life is so freaking amazing. It's really a beautiful feeling to feel alive.

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Everyday it passes I’m more convinced that and gonna change society in a bit paradigm shift.

Both enable new perceptions, communication and self-sovereignty.


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“Eternal tourists of ourselves, there is no landscape but what we are. We possess nothing, for we don’t even possess ourselves. We have nothing because we are nothing. What hand will I reach out, and to what universe? The universe isn’t mine: it’s me.”
― Fernando Pessoa

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Each one of us is so unique, so special. One in a population of around 7 billion.

That's rare. 😉

What makes you unique and special? What is one feature or experience you have that almost nobody else (or nobody at all) have?

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They are worlds and realms that we cannot perceive, but it does not mean they don't exist. Creatures that habit in places that would look strange for us, but the same they can think about our World.

Art by

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“Who are you?” said the Caterpillar.
Alice replied, rather shyly, “I—I hardly know, Sir, just at present—at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have been changed several times since then.”

Art by

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The unknown is a door for infinite possibilities. Life is bigger than our imagination and can bring us wonderful surprises if we just take the first step.

Have a wonderful day. 🙏❤️

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Details of a piece I'm working on that matter a lot. It's for a collection with psychedelics and Bitcoin.
I call it Bitcoin Visionary Art.

Can you identify what the details mean?

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This piece is the first I dedicate a lot of time to really add details that are not perceived at first sight. You need to zoom in to really find some of them. Check on the link on the comments for full resolution.
An ode to Mother Nature!

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