Antes que acabe la saga de en el anime, les comparto un hecho en stream para de y en la batalla de en esta pieza intenté acercarme un poquito al estilo del Japón feudal, están disfrutando también?

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hello right now I'm working on a project, for now the main thing is to finish luffy onigashima, I'm using the n3ds sprite GPC as a base but I'm improving them so they look more like luffy...(1)

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Vamos a Onigashima, una vez ahi se encuentra con el tipo q lo traiciono, q le arruino la vida a su nakama, y por el q casi lo pierde todo, el gran Kid lo ataca con todas sus fuerzas PERO Apoo se levanta como si nada, le devuelve el ataque y se le rie en la cara

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Luffy vs Kaido is PEAK FICTION FROM START TO FINISH. 💜 From their first encounter in Kuri to the battle on the roof of the skull dome of Onigashima, we’ve witnessed Luffy’s immense growth until he reached his NEXT LEVEL!! 😭💜🤍

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Nous avions profité de la pause à la suite de la sortie de ce chapitre de pour le coloriser entièrement 🔥

Toujours dans le climax de Wano - Onigashima, ce chapitre poursuit notre prime actuel ✊🏽

Nos coloristes se sont surpassés récemment, et encore...

J-4 👀⏳

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Con lo visto en Onigashima, me falto más desarrollo y contexto de "Rocks". El Flashback de Kaido me supo descafeinado.
Ilustración By: Nanukakan

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Maluco! Só sei que, quando essas duas se unirem em batalha. Eu vou sentir pena do oponente delas.
Yamato pode não ter tido uma vitória em onigashima, mas é capaz de segurar o kaidou, e derrubar por um momento um tobiropo. E Carrot é capaz de se superar um comandante doce na 🌕

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N’oublions pas qu’avant le Raid d’Onigashima, nous avons appris :

- L’abolition des Shichibukai
- Teach est en route une destination inconnue
- Sabo et le Roi Cobra en danger

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Monkey D. luffy time skip and onigashima ark in GPC style
I really would like to edit the entire sprite sheet and put new animations on it for luffy onigashima, maybe in the future

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Otro día agradeciendo a Dios por hacerme fan de esta masterpiece. Un golpe que va por un país, una cultura, una alianza, por vidas de hombres dentro y fuera de Onigashima, por los akazayas, por los supernovas. GOD❤️

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A lot of "people running" scenes in Onigashima, but this one was my favorite

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Quando esses pássaros aparecerem após o fim de Onigashima, o coração de todos irá parar.

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You guys remember, the big huge sword in Onigashima, Luffy in the new chapter had a similar form like Nightmare Luffy, do you think the same what I do?😏
Fun Fact: The firsttime when Nightmare face Oz was Chapter 479, Title: "Warrior of Hope"😀

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J'ai qu'une hâte, voir les primes et les réactions à la fin de l'Arc Onigashima, ça va être incroyable

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🏴‍☠️9⃣7⃣ Ma bible 🏴‍☠️

Alors qu’ils s’apprêtent à lancer l’assaut sur Onigashima, Kinémon et ses hommes découvrent la trahison de Kanjuro et assistent médusés à l’enlèvement de Momonosuké. Mais le front commun formé par Luffy, Law et Kidd vient aussitôt raviver la flamme de l’espoir

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"Lacking Tension" arguments always sound a bit weird to me. It might be because people compare Marineford to Onigashima, when it should be compared to Enies Lobby (way too many parallels). Looking back there's also 0 "tension" in EL as well, but no one complained there?

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En el episodio 982, la primera aparición de Luffy nos muestra un SOL (amanecer).

Y cuando comienza la sección de Onigashima, ¡COMIENZA CON UNA LUNA! Representando la oscuridad y la noche interminable que lleva en Wano hace 20 años.

Ishitani GOD 😭

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O Brook Onigashima, lindo demais 🤩🤩
Art: @ bbbdg03

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Every Luffy panel from ch. 1001. 💖

My Pirate King. 😍 I love these silhouette drawings and epic shots with the coat blowing around Luffy. Oda has a lot of fun drawing Onigashima, it shows. I’m assuming that he adores Luffy’s new attire, too, hahaha. 💖

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I just started thinking about how Luffy has started wearing a black coat for the Raid on Onigashima, a coat similar to Shanks' and his from the "older Straw Hats" drawing Oda did.

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