Asked hubs which character to draw in celebration of tmrw--he picked Jean! Never drew him. Wanted to mix WIT's style w S4/MAPPA features.

He was fun to draw! Never noticed how nice and brown/beige his palette is :')

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Spent two hrs practicing some new things hehe

I hate drawing profiles (never know where to put ears? And necks??? LOL)

Also want to practice symmetry in faces

And then hands intimidate me so the more I draw the less scary they’ll be


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Been forgetting to post this one! Not under any themes, just cuddles for cuddles' sake hehe

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Week 1: Cinema! I ended up taking a very general route to 'cinema' as in Levi and Mikasa go to watch a movie together, but she falls asleep lol!!

I have a short fic inspired this that's almost ready :)

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I'M GOING HAM TODAY!!!! Gojo Satoru, everyone! He is a BABE.

(Transparency: mostly traced a frame for this! I like doing this to first get familiar with a character's features tbh. Still proud of it!)

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