ここ数週間「Art of ONI」の画集の最終チェックをしているけど、本当にすごいコンセプトアートばかりで、一冊の本に収まりきらない。

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If you're into stop motion animation or liked or just love a good story. It's all on

24 95

Don’t forget to water your Kappa ❤️

A little tribute, for an awesome friendship.

8 31

Netflix『#ONI ~

6 47

Have you watched ONI on yet? It’s pretty great. Charming, beautiful and different. Love the characters and environments so very much. A lot to take in. Watching again this weekend.

1 27

If you haven’t seen it go watch Oni: Thunder God’s Tale knocked it out of the park and gave us a breath of fresh air.

3 10

Oni: Thunder God's Tale.
Definitely go watch it on Netflix!!!!the storytelling, the art, I cried I laughed, just everything is so perfect❤️
Really enjoyed this series, congrats to everyone .
(And Kappa is my favourite)

24 75

I loved this series and I wanted to draw something.
I tried to do some composition with the lazo but anything satisfied me.

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