Journeys of the sonset: Self-reflection

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Moon Almanack for Sunday, 29 Sept 2019

Waxing, Crescent Moon Age: 0 ¾ days

Moon in Via Combusta

Moon in 18th degree of the Sign Libra, the Balance; also in 25th deg. of the Constellation Virgo, the Virgin.

Moonrise: 7:45 morn. Midheaven: 1:55 eve. Moonset: 8:00 eve.

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Moon Almanack for 16 Sept 2019

Waning, Gibbous Moon Age: 17 ¼ days

Ascending Node is at 14° Crabba

Moon in 21st degree of the Sign Aries, the Ram; also in 21st deg. of the Constellation Pisces, the Fishes.

Midheaven: 2:33 morn. Moonset: 8:55 morn. Moonrise: 8:49 eve

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Moon Almanack for Friday, 23 August, 2019

Last Quarter Moon, at 10h. 58m. morning

Moon Void of Course.

Moon in 29th degree of the Sign, and 7th degree of the Constellation of Taurus, the Bull.

Midheaven: 6:46 morn. Moonset: 2:00 eve.

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Moon Almanack for 22 Aug 2019

Waning, Gibbous Moon Age: 21 ½ days

Ascending Node is at 15° Crabba

Moon in 18th degree of the Sign Taurus, the Bull; also in 20th deg. of the Constellation Aries, the Ram.

Midheaven: 6:00 morn. Moonset: 12:58 eve. Moonrise: 11:45 eve

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Moon Almanack for 21 Aug 2019

Waning, Gibbous Moon Age: 20 ¼ days

Ascending Node is at 15° Crabba

Moon in 5th degree of the Sign Taurus, the Bull; also in 7th deg. of the Constellation Aries, the Ram.

Midheaven: 5:16 morn. Moonset: 11:59 morn. Moonrise: 11:14 eve

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Moon Almanack for Thursday, 25 July, 2019

Waning, Crescent Moon 22 ¾ days

Ascending Node is at 16° Crabba

Moon in 8th degree of the Sign Taurus, the Bull;also in 10th deg. of the Constellation Aries, the Ram.

Moonrise: 12:40 morn. Midheaven: 7:19 morn. Moonset: 2:08 eve

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2 BG "Bro, you gotta get a Porche. I used to have a Beemer & then I got my Porche, &... bro."

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