Can't seem to get enough of Onslaught. Now in G1 colour paint, with a cannons on the back.

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I remember drawing this when I was a kid but I couldn’t find it until recently. swipe to see what it was but I always love the pairing of fire ice and lol . They met in the onslaught era with Hawkeye and I was hooked haha . Loved that the pranksters were all friends.

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Tried out a potential Brawl design. I tried not to overlap his looks with Onslaught or Blitzwing, so I looked more at his G1 design.

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5) Infant Horde by which is terrifyingly cool 🔥

“As I stood there, facing the infant horde with unwavering determination, I could feel my heart racing in my chest. My hands shook with adrenaline as I braced myself for the onslaught, knowing that I had to defend myself…

1 4

Here's another double page spread from ARC ATHENA Book02. I narrowly avoided putting the main figure in the crease again. Whew!

Colors by the ridiculously talented Giuliano Peratelli.

Join in the action onslaught. Buy the series so far here:

8 55

" 𝐈𝐧𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐇𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞 "

" As I stood there, facing the infant horde with unwavering determination, I could feel my heart racing in my chest. My hands shook with adrenaline as I braced myself for the onslaught, knowing that I had to defend myself and my soul against these…

8 22

She couldn’t help but giggle at the onslaught of little nicknames, it was honestly endearing!

“I’ve been well…! The bakery has been keeping me busy…how about you…?”

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Abyssal Onslaught - Legion of the Transgender Space Marines
Genre: Warhammer Metal
Year: 2025
Country: Canada

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Love the response to that last clip I posted of Sonic Onslaught episode 6 :)

Currently have one final scene to finish shooting/editing, so believe me when I say you guys WILL see sumn VERY soon

It's been a long time coming, excited to finally wrap up this story after four years

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My 1996 Onslaught poster for Marvel

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⚔️Imperial Wrath Dinavia⚔️

One possible iteration of Dinavia from a desolate world. The repeated onslaught of grueling battles has heightened her more aggressive traits.

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Norway was still for a moment in the face of that onslaught, Sweden's mouth firm against his own, something he hadn't felt in years, still dizzyingly familiar.

It's just part of the negotiations, all of this,…

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An onslaught of Spark doodles I have been making for the past hour.

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You're lost little girl 😈

Sunsetter by @//onslaughtiscool

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Zavi's thoughts are an endless battle.
Between the onslaught of her memories, she experiences a brief moment of respite that gives her enough strength to face it all over again...

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