Born Natalia Goncharova Russian Founding member of Jack of Diamonds (1909–1911) Moscow's first radical independent exhibiting group + more radical Donley’s Tail (1912–1913) & co-invented (1912–1914) with Larionov

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Born Natalia Goncharova Russian Founding member of Jack of Diamonds (1909–1911) Moscow's first radical independent exhibiting group + more radical Donley’s Tail (1912–1913) & co-invented (1912–1914) with Larionov

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Born Pablo Picasso iconic Spanish & of 20th-century’s most influential co-founder of co-inventor of inventor of constructed sculpture Serial experimenter with radical new art styles

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Born Max Weber Jewish-American & one of first American painters Praised as "pioneer of modern art in America" in 1945 Life magazine article Later life turned to more figurative depictions of Jewish families rabbis & Talmudic scholars

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Born Leo Gestel Dutch experimented widely with influences spanning & In Paris encountered movement Gestel was one of the leading of the Dutch modernism movement with Piet Mondrian

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