Ophiocordyceps sinensis

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Amanita Galactica

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day twenty: ophiocordyceps
Taking these old bones out for a walk

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Well- took me a bit to get here-
From left to right.

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Day 20 of Ophiocordyceps
Despite them being parasites Ophiocordyceps have become a well accepted civilization. Although saying they have a complicated relationship with the giant ant people of planet 9 would be a understatement

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TW: slight body horror

This poor young adventurer was so excited to discover something new and sadly he did...
Funguary week 3 - malicious
Type of fungus - ophiocordyceps unilateralis (yes the one from TLOU)

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today's sketch for ! ophiocordyceps

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Day 20 of and today's fairy is based off of ophiocordyceps or zombie ant fungus. Enjoy! ~

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FUNGUARY WEEK 3! Malicious!

I chose to draw the Ophiocordyceps and a Carpenter Ant. ❤️🐜🍄

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Funguary 2023 by
This weeks theme: malicious
Day 20
Mushroom of the day: Ophiocordyceps

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More funguys for 🍄

Witch’s Hat, Clathrus Archeri (octopus stinkhorn), Amanita Galactica, and Ophiocordyceps

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Day 49. ophiocordyceps. 是一種會寄生在螞蟻身上的真菌。冬蟲夏草!
今天整天為了整理明天去泰國的行李累爆了。太久沒出國,該帶甚麼手忙腳亂! 在宵夜鹽酥雞的幫助下才完成了今天的圖,不然真的是想躺平了。

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