Yo sinceramente no podía creer tener un juego de la saga de esta calidad y en formato portátil... La no dejará nunca de sorprenderme! sí que merece un buen remake junto con Seasons para Nintendo Switch...

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My favorite oracle!!! My first Oracle game was Ages and I always love replaying the game!

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I drew link from zelda but from a link to the past and oracle of ages and seasons version.. those are my favorite zeldas, but i love all of them lol

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Depois de muitas décadas zerei novamente “zelda oracle of ages” sera que vai vir algum mané marcar a Nintendo, porque zerei no Psvita !!! Hahaha ! Agora é partir para o “oracle of seasons” !

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Linktober Day 7 : Species/Race
One of my fave species on Zelda, subrosian! xD they're so interesting, I wish they're explored more 😣

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Day 2 of 8 of week

I just wanted to draw different impa
I will not draw the version from the first and second game

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Completing the Oracles trio art, here's Nayru! For some reason, she's the most difficult to draw out of the three despite blue being my favorite color.

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Day 3: "Time" ⏳ this time I went for Nayru, the oracle of ages while trying out digital water color💦

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day 3! Time and Veran. I love how my Time prompt turned out, it's definitely a favorite so far. ...veran not so much. this was my first interaction with the character so its a bit... blah in my opinion.

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Since day 12 of this is and I just thought I'd repeat that this is a top 3 when it comes to his designs. Also, have a little Link fan art pic by me(Technically but oh well)

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