UDF Scorpio Super Heavy Battle Tank.
I drew this for MAEDay OCT.

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Tallis Pentangle! An NPC for my story

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Made it to Chop 2, to celebrate here's a lil practise drawing of my opponent to prepare~

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Today is the final day to get those character refs and auditions submitted!
Good luck to all you diligent artists working hard this weekend we hope to see you within our tower soon
🔥 👩🏼‍🍳 🍜

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Fondae Wants you to get those Character References and Auditions in NOW!
Two days left to submit everything you need to enter the Tower of Gobble!
You have until Midnight EST to get them in on the 19th

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Three, count em, Three Days left to get those Character References and Auditions in Chefs!
Sunday Night is the last day to get them in!

What Mighty Morsels will you cook for the guardians?!

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Around Four Days left to get those Character References and Auditions in Chefs!
You have until the 19th to get them in!

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Tobias and Harvest child, my characters I'm using for

Look forward to the audition soon- uh.. EVENTUALLY

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i always did like the oddly sexy gothgirl Betty. ;)

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