If the Snakemen were the true rulers of Snake Mountain, then Skeletor should have been the ruler of Greyskull.

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With the new Spiderverse movie coming along, tell me your favorite comic story featuring the Spot.

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I haven't had a chance to watch the new Willow series, but I hope the eborsisk makes an appearance.

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The Winter Solstice has arrived. The Green will return.

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What is your favorite storyline featured Colonel Bravo?

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Cyclops never looks quite right to me (not even a Harryhausen cyclops).

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As a kid, I found the Skrulls to be terrifying. I would avoid comics that feature them.

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Can we just admit that Xemnu is a yeti?

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Has Guy Davis ever drawn Sadu-Hem?

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The mermaids from Fiji are beautiful.

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Have you seen Humanoids of the Deep?

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Are you a Gillman fan or a Gill-Man fan?

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Who's your favorite TMNT villain from comics, cartoons, movies, or video games?

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This does NOT mean that I'm working on a Toxic Avenger horror movie poster.

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I think it's time to watch Pan's Labyrinth again.
When was the last time you watched it?

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No matter who draws him, Gog always looks like a Gil Kane monster.

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Jack O'Lantern really gives off Dormammu vibes.

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Sandman is on Netflix, so I'm drawing the Endless in the order of their creation.
Here's Despair.
If you want to see Death, Dream, and Desire then join us over at Patreon.

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Beast Man from the MOTU Revelations timeline is one of the best versions of the character.

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