they aren’t as colorful as oshigaku but they’re rly cute together I swear

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they’re so sweet my heart is so full of love for oshigaku

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OshiGaku's baby- Hina
A proper lady at first glance, but she's not. Originally called Natto-chan bc she loves it. smol girl

3 7

Hey guys! I'm a rookie Vtuber✌️
My name is Iko Sabae. I will be a great detective🕵️‍♀️✨
I'm a new student of (Virtual Joshigakuin).

Our channel can be seen from TOMORROW!!!!!!!(4/30)
My first live is on 19:00〜📡

Don't miss it👀👀

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*clenches fist* oshigaku

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Suddenly tennis boys!
Happy Valentine's Day to Oshitari and Mukahi only.

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i just realized i made rio on top of some oshigaku i was drawing. i guess she is spying

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🎈🎈忍岳真ん中バースデー 🎈🎈
❤️💙 it's oshigaku day

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sorry I ran out of oshigaku ideas for a minute so here’s late (day 27) kirihiyo

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*just shoves oshigaku in your face just absolutely shoves it right up in your face*

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oshigaku compilation 2019! 忍岳 💙❤️

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@hoshigaku_TL 櫻井に軍服ワンピース着せたった\(^o^)/

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@hoshigaku_TL ショタに対する愛が...圭斗6か7歳くらい

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request: baby oshigaku XDDD

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