DX3rd『World End by Osho-gatsu?』

GM 黒羽根さん
PL はるとさん/今昔 紫苑
  西/田中 勇太
  真夏さん/鏑木 弓月


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" El tiempo es un jardín donde... todos los minutos son flores". 💋
- Osho -

24 133

Nonpreoccuparti delle opinioni degli altri.

Lascia che questa sia la tua pietra di paragone –

tutto ciò che ti fa felice, dev'essere vero.

Osho Rajneesh


15 36

"La vida no es una tecnología, ni una ciencia.
La vida es un arte, tienes que sentirla.
Es como el caminar por una cuerda floja".

~ Osho

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"Ayuda al mundo a ser mejor.
No dejes el mundo como lo has encontrado.
Hazlo un poco mejor, hazlo un poco más hermoso".


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If you suffer it is because of you,

if you feel blissful it is because of you.

Nobody else is responsible.

Only you and you alone.

You are your hell and your heaven too.

~ Osho


5 30

dear ,

i dont know what to get you so i made a derivative of your senshi. merry christmas and i hope you like it!

- santa osho

and thank you for organizing this 🐸

6 24

"Pour apprendre l'amour, vous devez vous retrouver, dans votre être, en élevant votre conscience à des niveaux supérieurs."


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. 『餃子と王将』
(Gyoza and Osho)

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🟩🟨🟧late Good Morning 🟧🟨🟩

Don't seek, don't search, don't ask, don't knock, don't demand - relax. If you relax, it comes. If you relax, it is there. If you relax, you start vibrating with it.


5/5 Editions
0.04 $ETH
Link ⬇️

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“Truth is not something outside to be discovered, it is something inside to be realized.”

― Osho


0 1

Non cercare una casa, cerca te stesso




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if you love a flower, don’t pick it up
because if you pick it up it dies and it ceases to be what you love
so if you love a flower, let it be
love is not about possession
love is about appreciation - osho

16 137

Un giorno ero in viaggio e qualcuno mi chiese qual è la parola che ha il valore più grande nel vocabolario di un uomo. La mia risposta fu Amore - Osho
a e

10 31

"Life begins where fear ends". (Osho)

🔹Wise Sloth https://t.co/nCwCL4IRux🦥
🔹0.0032 ETH 🪙

Adopt a wise sloth and spread the wisdom! 🎩🪄
Visit https://t.co/ywOjruO1yO for more!🤩

24 34

Love is just like the fragrance of a flower. It does not create a relationship, it does not ask u to be a certain way,to behave in a certain way, to act in a certain way. It demands nothing. It simply shares.And in sharing also there is no desire for any reward.Osho

Good night🌙

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