Interaction between Jayred with SkyLuna and Canon Osky (I did both because I didn't know which of the 2 to put)
SkyLuna by
Canon Osky by

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For example this bf drawing took me like 30 mins while canon osky’s render took me abt an hour

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Osky!!!!!!! [plus her before fangirl design!!]

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If this is pre-fangirl osky then why the fuck does she have blue in her hair where did that come from

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I tried replicating your artstyle I hope I drew canon osky correctly ><

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Eventually she finds Ski and Canon! Osky and shapeshifts into Ski

The way Purin Ski is able to shapeshift in the first place is by consuming the meat of the creature it wants to be for example a human

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Fanon! Osky as Glitchy

Nusky or Canon! Osky as BF

Here are two drawings of Isotope I did a long time ago with Canon as the player character

Glitchy! Fanon got an updated design a while ago but I haven't drawn it yet

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I know this is a bit nit picky but it bothers me SO much that osky doesn’t have lighter palms like hhrgrhrhrh

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Arrow funk osky has a really peak design

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Fanon osky has new renders + a non fnf sprite design ( designed by )
If any of yall genuinely get angry ill be so confused bc y can still use the fnf style design she just has an alt design now, think of it as nuskys alt design its the same way so dont get mad

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Hey im in my recording closet anyone want me to say anything as canon osky

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