I've crawled out of my art cave to give you all a drawing of my take on an osyluth/bone devil in

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Got around to finally updating Damlyre, an Osyluth homebrew Tiefling of mine from way back -- This is just a rough update though, hopefully I'll get to givin him a fully rendered piece at some point

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Osyluth Tiefling (homebrew) named Damlyre (fighter) and a Dispater Tiefling named Verin (monk)

The chibis are their more up to date aesthetic where as the fullbodies were my first go at them LOL I love these two <:3c

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Hot guys I designed for Rysky. , and demon boy inspired by

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I have two tieflings atm! An osyluth (homebrew) dual weapon fighter, Damlyre and a dispater kinsei monk, Verin! They're both assholes of a different kind, one means well but is angry the other is trying but is dumb and chaotic LOL Damlyre is pirate-y and Verin is japanese/shibari

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I don’t get much art of guys but this wonderful Osyluth descended Tiefling by the ever badass is a wonderful addition ^w^

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