🏠Day 6: Feels Like Home🏠

Comfort Character(s)

Vyn from Tears of Themis & Satan from Obey Me! https://t.co/8OhbyCuDE8

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💖 Day 7 Be Mine

Kent is my best boy. 💖 Physically he's my type (tall, megane; green eyes are a plus) and his personality it's like... intelectual, kinda square-minded but wants to improve himself and be more open-minded. Not so lovey-dovey but a caring person.

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day 3: character i came to love

i got helvetica on my first blind route of bustafe answering things truthfully. tbh i was kind of disappointed bc i found his superficiality off-putting. however i ended up relating to him a lot 🥺 and caring abt him as i continued

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day 2: heroine i appreciate

all of them tbh but recently played taiali so going with yurika bc she is quite multidimensional 😈 after finishing taisho x alice, her actions throughout were interesting to think about😚 she's a piece of work lol!

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Day 7: Be Mine

My favourite character and why (QRT and join the fun! 💖)

Need I say who? 🥰

He’s just so mean, and in the right way 😍

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Day 7: Be mine

My favorite character is Impey Barbicane from Code Realize! I first played it about 5 years ago and fell in love with it. Impey is such a giant goofball and so devoted to the people he cares for. He was one of my first console Otome routes too~ 💖

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Day 7 : Be Mine

I'm a selfish and greedy person so I can't possible choose 1 sweetheart so let me just post up my top 3 boys.

If I am to give out a similar trait these 3 have is that maybe they need loving? 🤣 (Every character needs loving who am i kidding ww)

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Day 6 : Pulling My Heartstrings

Basically ALL the La Salut endings in Virche. And before Virche, the endings of these 2 guys Outarou and Yoichi in Kimiyuki made me so emotional. 😂🥰😭😍

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⌛Day 4: Cherished Memories⌛

Game that got me into otome games

Amnesia: Memories or Mystic Messenger???
I'mma be real idr LOL
Here have my favs from them

(Give us the Amnesia FDs OTL) https://t.co/YDD7tWGSpO

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💖 Day 5 (optional) Dangerous Love

Just to add Yang to the thread 😳🔥
His Bad End is one of my favorites tho. Not gonna show its CG but... damn, when I saw that... D A MN.

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* Favorite scene
(Sample cg)
I am weak to “care for the sick” scenarios. I’m baby when sick. I like it when the protagonist is taken care of personally by the Love Interest.
UtaPri - All Star
DiaLove - Chaos Lineage
Yoshiwara Higanbana
Chouchou Jiken Rhapsodic

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Day 5 : A Day to Remember

I have lots of CGs and scenes that's memorable but the latest one would be from Virche.

I won't post spoiler CGs but that scene in La Salut with Ankou and the [REDACTED]... those who knows, knows... ・゜・(つД`)・゜・

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❣Day 3: My Sweetheart❣

A character that you came to love

Hikage from Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly

Not usually one for the poster lad in otomes, but his route was amazing. His VA did an outstanding job! (Ishikawa Kaito) 🥺 https://t.co/0HtNLa5sjE

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A Cherished otome: a game that got you into otome
An old Chinese indie otome called The Happy Rythm. It left a strong impression on 15-year-old Amiralo and is responsible for the morbid tone that her own games take. https://t.co/vMaSU2d5xO

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Day 4: A game that got you into otome

Its been years so I'm not a 100% sure this is correct but I think it was Wizardess Heart by Shall We Date. First otome i remember being serious abt. Such a fun game...i miss it 😭

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Day 3 - My sweetheart.
Yuze Ryuunosuke. I don't like the serious/reserved/rude type, but Yuze got me so good 😩

Day 4 - Cherished memories.
Amour Sucré was my very first otoge and got me interested, but DiaLovers got me into the whole mess definitely 😅❤️

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Day 4: Cherished Memories

So my first Otome was Sweet Fuse, which really planted the seeds of Otome in my brain BUT Code Realize/Norn9 was where I really got hooked https://t.co/pIwY8pS0gK

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Day:4 *Swaping for destined to Be*

For this one I would have to say, Rinka and Alma from Bad Apple Wars. Once you play his route it's kind of hard not to pair them up.

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Day 4: Cherished Memories
I actually dont remember which was the first game i got into but i believe it was Norn9? (i wasnt sure between Norn9 and Amnesia)
I actually played it in chinese PSP since there was a fan translation released way back

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Day Three: Mყ Sᥕᥱᥱthᥱᥲrt

Limbo Fitzgerald (Bustafellows)
— Before the game came out, I had my eyes on Mozu because he's voiced by Jun Fukuyama and I liked Mozu's character while playing his game, but doing Limbo's route last, I found him very endearing and-

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