Zero thought he could sweet talk Cecelia into sharing her treats with him. She obliged, of course - but he probably didn't intend to be an addition to her Zebra Cake.

🦓🍰(Zero Alurus)


20 65

Zero tried defending the watering hole from Cecelia, when she decided she needed a seat for her new spa.
I suppose you can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make him think!

🦓💧(Zero Alurus)

20 115

You'd think Bomba would know better than to play musical chairs with Cecelia butt he never learns. Not that it stops her laughing it up at his expense, the cheeky Lul-tra!

🍑🐀 (Bomba)
🦦🍑 (Cecelia)

15 56

Otters are great swimmers! Maybe foxes are too.
Not that Mentova is getting a choice in the splatter after Cecelia introduces him to her indoor pool for a personal lesson.

🦦🍽 (Cecelia)


16 94

Mentova thought he could get away with giving Cecelia some lip without her introducing him to her own.

Guess that cheeky tone is coming back to bite in more than one way....

🦦👅 (Cecelia)


21 118

Mallow thought it was a little fishy when Cec invited him out for sushi but figured he was overdue for a rice time. Guess he got a little too wrapped up enjoying the company..



17 90

Mini Marco risks it for a biscuit but when Cec returns he tries to hide. Tho, that wasn't quite the nugget of wisdom he expected; seems eagles more endangered than he imagined!



20 103

Kami really shouldn't have slacked off on their cleaning duties.

Now they have to lie in the bed they've maid and accept their just desserts with big spoon Cecelia.



10 41

When Cecelia told Gunner she was gonna hotdog him between her buns he had something else in mind; but it looks like these two may relish the experience nonetheless!

🦦🥡 (Cecelia)


23 99

When Atlas asked if Cecelia could eat a horse the teeny tiny taur was joking. Ha ha.. I guess he'll hafta eat his words now.

Surely she'll let him out in a bit..




10 52

Atlas sure was glad Cecelia invited him to dinner. But it looks like the tiny stallion isn't the only one eager to to taur into their meal...

🐴🥗 (Atlas)
🦦🍴 (Cecelia)


10 63