- 3월 - 아나 위에것도 3월이엇네 마호크로가 2월이엿군…
룰: Overarms
이름: 서 한 / 아니마 이름 매들린 러브
나이: 고… 등학생
직업: 고등학생

업야담 캐릭터들을 죠죠페르소나페이트등을모티브로제작된가벼운룰TRPG오버암즈에 자작시날로 담궜어요. 얘는 GMPC갓은거

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I'm startin up an overarms campaign with some pals, this guy's name is Morgan!

The game's mostly based on jojo/persona so he's got a stand too! Its name is Volans and it can make objects it touches unaffected by gravity!

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character! Seanna and Zauber are good babes

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I ran a one shot of and thought i'd sketch the two characters that were fan favorites, and by that I mean the characters everyone was horny for, these are Dimitrius and Rose.

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