Doesn’t Matter, Evil Wicked Grin (2020), acrylic and spray paint on paper, 21cm x 29.7cm

🌟 Included in Here We Go at Meakin + Parsons, in collaboration with

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I'm working on a different painting subject at the moment but in the meantime here's a few of my pebble paintings DM me if interested

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I’m delighted to have been elected a member of which is celebrating its 130 birthday this year. Honoured to be part of this esteemed group of artists and look forward to exhibiting with them.

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Just finished this painting today. Lots of challenges and decisions but I’m pleased with how it turned out. Acrylic on canvas, 60 x 60 cms

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My latest seascape. I had a bit if a fight with this one but I think I’m there. Acrylic and mixed media. Now I need a title, any ideas?

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Animal personalities shine out in autumnal exhibition Rustlings by illustrator Catherine Rayner at Sarah Wiseman Gallery via

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Pleased to have these two paintings accepted for this years open exhibition, from 2nd - 27th October.

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Something a little different. Ink on paper. Prints available soon.

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Some great art group sessions over this last week. Sea spray using toothbrush splashes. Well done students!

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Great day at Oxford Broad Street Art Market. Sold some of these lovelies. Doing it all again tomorrow 10-4:30.

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There will be a private view of Inked Up by at the tomorrow night 6pm-8pm. Do join us!

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Stages of a Cockapoo watercolour commission.

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All set up for RHS Malvern Autumn Show. Been a manic week prepping but got there! Fingers crossed for a good weekend.

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Donnington is VERY happy with the Book Cover. The rest of the Trolls are NOT happy. Words have been exchanged. Vulgarities used. They are threatening to write a new Troll Opera, it's that bad. Pevsner never had this trouble....

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Pleased to have had these two chaps accepted for the Oxford art society annual exhibition.

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It's our Cover Star - Donnington (let's not dwell on the rude and unnecessary things the other Trolls are leaving in his pigeon hole).#oxford

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Sunny but blustery day at Abingdon Art market. I’m in the market square until 3.

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Artweeks exhibition starts tomorrow 5-13th May. I’ll be at Charlbury St Mary’s Church again with 7 other artists, 10am-6pm

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