actually winning by time over is pretty easy! I just needed to do the same strategy! Honestly, he gets dangerous on the second HP, so continuing like this until time over is an easy way to manipulate ozotto and win.

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For those who knows the main story of SDBH and the knowledge about the Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. game.

What is your thoughts about Majin Ozotto? Are you exciting to see him again?

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Dans DBZ V.R.V.S (1994), après le combat contre Majin Ozotto, Vegeta fait le voeu à Shenron d'avoir "le monde à ses pieds"...

Shenron a donc transformé Vegeta en géant pour qu'il ait littéralement "le monde à ses pieds" (😭)

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Dans DBZ V.R.V.S (1994), après le combat contre Majin Ozotto, Trunks du futur fait le vœu à Shenron de ressuciter Vegeta du futur pour retrouver une famille.

(P'tite photo de famille d'ailleurs)

2 7

I really hope Majin Ozotto returns in UGM, because he even said at the end of UVM 11 “And so, until next time” so this makes clear that he will return soon. I really love this character, he is scary, astute, dangerous and great design.

5 27

Bien avant d’apparaître dans SDBH, le monstre métamorphe Majin Ozotto a été le boss de fin d’un jeu d’arcade DBZ sorti en 1993, appelé « DBZ VRVS ».
Le monstre est même cité dans le manga original, sur une tête de chapitre (page 238 du tome 29, Perfect Edition). 🙂

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.[#ArchivesToriyama] VRVS Ozotto chara design (94').
personnage très rare & ennemi non jouable dans ce jeu original sorti en 94' sur arcade en réalité virtuelle, est apparu au Jump Multiworld qui était un événement organisé pour célébrer les 25ans du W.Shonen Jump !

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Toriyama's Enemy Character Design illustration of Ozotto for Dragon Ball Z V.R.V.S. (circa 1994) — This title debut during the 25th WSJ anniversary Jump Multimedia World event

*This is republished from a 2018/08/13 article.

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When is FighterZ gonna add the most iconic boss character in the series? Of course I mean Ozotto.

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the only acceptable noncanon character for fighterz is Ozotto the Super Monster

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-Let's go Icarus! We have a world to explore! -Son Pan DBA

An art I did a while ago, but I still like it a lot. :)

I based the art on a final Gohan scene from Dragon Ball Z: V.R.V.S. (The one who has Ozotto as a villain)

4 11

Majin Ozotto... The one baddie I’m not fond of. It might be his gaudy design or lack of discernible personality & motivations, but I have a hard time finding anything positive about him. What’s your opinion on Ozotto, & can you think of away to fix him?

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this design is so cool

it also seems to take a lot of design cues from Majin Ozotto

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I think the idea of Majin Android 21 being able to use other peoples moves came from Majin Ozotto (The second of the Majin Race outside of Buu) who first appeared in DBZ VR VS who also does the same thing by copying other fighters movies by simply looking at them.

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