odatera lovechild harus diarchive di sini

CAKEP BGT BAE... i was just messing around thinking what odatera child would look like 😭 but they turn out soooo pretty

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oda and oren are insane [ocpie

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testing a new brush for coloring ft. a sulky anoe... dek anoe kenapa ngambek ya

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more gradient experiment doodles ft. oren and satya 🥰
[ ocpie • satya © ]

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playing around with colors ft. a grown up anoe and satya
[ocpie • satya © ]

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the siblings' expressions and personalities are so different, but they both give Tera the same smile 🥰 https://t.co/9v1m3M2twl

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come on, smile a little [#p_oar

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anyway does anyone wanna see whorified odatera content

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misi kak numpang bulol [ocpie

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can yall guess what type of people they are https://t.co/g9TzJ3kx5W

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anyway.. my babss,,, artbreeder was fun

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[ocpie look at this art of my baby boy anoe i commissioned from @/needkoyo he looks so cute AAAAAAAAAAA

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oren sama tera nih sebenernya aslinya ikrib, tapi tiap ketemu bawaannya saling ngata-ngatain mulu. sampe tera aja idungnya ada bump gara gara patah ditonjok oren pas kecil. gws /#p_oar

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[ocpie] siblings look alike, don't they

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theyre so cute ............ best friends....... the only ones the other trusts ...

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grgr re ngomongin odatera gue jadi mikirin mereka kan...
ok time for some tera fun facts bc i love him
1. he looks mean but it's genuinely because he's just exhausted all the time
2. he likes being showered with affection and likes giving it back too,

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