Pronto serás "Naturaleza Muerta"

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Miss Infierno 2023 te recuerda: hoy, en el día internacional del teatro, deja de lado el móvil y respira hondo! Tu salud te lo agradecerá 🖤

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I'm an "endling", that is, I'm the last specimen of my species. I'm alone. The day I die it's all over, it's a really sad situation

Although... the good thing about being the last specimen of my glorious race is that I don't have to put up with idiots like you

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Recuerdo perfectamente aquella tarde de cine con mis amigos, estábamos nerviosos por ver aquella película de la que todo el mundo hablaba... y no defraudó: ese mismo día nos hicimos fans de Los Gremlins

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This painting represents a recurring dream that has been visiting me from time to time for about two years... do you have any dreams/nightmares of this type?

Share it with all of us

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"I don't believe you. Don't ask me for forgiveness"

"No te creo. No me pidas perdón"

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I painted this little painting at the end of last year and it still has no title (if you can think of one, leave me in the comments 🥰)

Title: ?
Media: Acrylic on canvas
Size: 10.6x8.6 inches
Year: 2021

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No matter how much you hide it ... you're still a pig!

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"Mozzarelum Tremendus"
Demon of type Kaiju 👹
Beast of titanic dimensions capable of reducing a city to rubble in a matter of hours 😯😯
Its power of destruction is very high⚡⚡⚡

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"El gato es inquietante,
no es de este mundo. Tiene
el enorme prestigio de
haber sido ya Dios."
- Federico García Lorca

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Miss Infierno 2020 te recuerda: hoy, en el dia internacional del ascensor, usa las escaleras!

Tu salud te lo agradecerá

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No expongas el mogwai a la luz, especialmente a la luz del sol, que lo matará; no permitas que entre en contacto con el agua; y sobre todo, nunca lo alimentes después de la medianoche

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No te rías, para mí el friki eres tú!
Don't laugh, for me the freak one are you!

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