Also, a gentle reminder: is not just an issue for other people. You will need it one day too. We all will.

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ICYMI | On Election Day, Colorado joined the small group of states offering paid family and medical leave insurance programs ( Now we need for the nation! Learn more:

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would ensure that everyone who needed to take care of a loved one during the pandemic would not have to choose between caregiving and being able to pay their bills.

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To amp up support for we need messaging that truly speaks to people. So check out our report on public opinion around paid family & medical leave and what messages, messengers, mediums & platforms have been most effective to date.

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All new parents need Both parents and babies benefit from bonding time, and it's crucial to a child's development. Learn more and join the team:

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No one should go through the anguish of choosing between work and caring for one's family. That's why is so important. Here are a couple recs on the subject:

From us:
From :

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How to get a or out your employer if they are as stingy as Madam...

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