art! kalian gabut biasanya ngapain? sender si gambar yg g jelas😁

0 38

kny! Menurut kalian mereka habis ngapain?

3 40

kny! adek bawa buku banyak mau ngapain?

38 358

halooo! apakah ada yang lagi art! block atau bosen ga tau mau ngapain? kasih rambut buat OC nya sender yukkk, kasian masih botak 😆😆😁

8 217

Jjk! Warning spoiler
Menurut kalian gojo diambil buat diapain?
A) coba disembuhin sama shoko
B) dimakamkan secara layak

118 1999

Malming ngapain? Ngedate sama mas plotter dong (◍ ˃̵͈̑ᴗ˂̵͈̑)

8 53

// bxg , ittonavi (?) , ittonavia (?) , itto x navia

Tehe! Duh, mbak, ini lagi di rumah pohon, malem2, kok buka payung? Ngapain? 🤔

0 3

-bllkarya art by sender

Kalo husbu kalian nembus dimensi bakal diapain?

4 55

alele! kalo kedatengan tamu SEMUNGIL ini bakal kalian apain?

24 335

Kny! ini Muzan ketika mergokin kalian lagi ngegibahin dia. Next kalian mau ngapain???

2 78

Artist! Kalian kalo artblock ngapain?

1 71

“On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate your pain?” Baymax and Tadashi from Big Hero 6.

Uncensored Version on

7 62

“That was the thing about pain. You can get used to anything given enough time. Like the waterwheel under a strong current, he died and came back, died and came back. But what can a waterwheel know of pain? It’ll keep turning as long as there’s momentum.” - PYRES OF VENGEANCE

6 29

Kalian kalo ketemu mereka bakal ngapain?
(art by sender)

135 1238

Can you help me numb the pain?
Each night, you spin me up high

23 317

Wisdom tooth pain? Fucking mint 👌

0 0

I find this kink hot, but am scared to take the plunge and practice it. Any advice for the pain? — You don't have to get hit or hurt to engage, I mostly draw it cause getting hurt doest feel good in the long run ghfbh U can… (examples)

18 326

If Merlin is in pain, but what is then Alice is in pain? I have a parallel in my mind but is not yet drew so i can not show it... 🤔 🫠

0 2

A land with no winter--but is it paradise or pain?

2 2

Ohanyooo!! Akhirnya hari sabtu…. 💕.
Kalian kalau hari sabtu biasanya pada ngapain??
Kalau Tama??tentu saja Turu Brutal😆💕😴

1 34