Charles Bukowski caricatura del 2014. El coneixement si no es sap aplicar és pitjor que ignorància.

Charles Bukowski cartoon of 2014. Knowledge if not applied is worse than ignorance.

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实在很不甘愿不替特工哇画一个帅的 , Q版的给了工人帽接球哇 , 那么帅的就来个大长腿漫画吧! 😍😍😍

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🎨To create a portrait we just have to pick a funny picture! 
I enjoyed painting this Triptych a lot, I really don't know if it was the crazy smile or painting monochrome over orange 🤣😅

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学着看到的漫画画了一幅 , 這次硬撑着不参考本尊或旧画作的什么, 凭空盲画这张脸, 想看看这样能不能画出一个他来❤️

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有二年多没画这种漫画,也挺怀念的 , 还难得画了二个大长腿全身长图哦 🥰我妈妈说就像个王子😍😍😍

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看着美男子如花朵般的在笔下绽放 , 我的心也犹如蝴蝶般的飞了起来❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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