owo my Wood Elf Forest Dragon is done! I could have gone further but I kinda like how it looks here to be honest, so for now at least I've varnished him and am calling him ready! Next up I have a couple of rider options to get painted!

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Darkoath Savagers warband finished! Painted up over the course of one week. Warcry box kindly supplied free from Games Workshop for preview.

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A collection of the super cool miniatures I've painted over January.

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As painted on stream today, the first troll for Pirates of the Dread Sea from ! I think he came out nicely! I've photoshopped a couple of the spots where I'd missed some of the connector bits from the 3D printing process.

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Folks, if you're taking part in please do share your hobby with us in the discord! https://t.co/lt4RPTLGNo

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