Me gustaría creer que aprovechando la modificación de Bonta y Brakmar Ankama ha decidido implementar los Necromos y Paladires.

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- Paladir Zobal (done for an old contest) -

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Vaut mieux pas chercher ma Zobale (féminin de Zobal ?) Paladir ! Jl'aime plutot bien ! hd:

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Et voilà ma Zobal paladir pour le concours
C'est moins bien que je ne l'imaginais mais je vais finir par y arriver

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Paladirs vs Nécromes, les nouveaux protagonistes de la guerre Lumière - Ténèbres maintenant sur . Prochainement sur

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Here are a few design research for the Necros and expansion trailer ! You can watch the video here:

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Pour fêter la sortie de l'extension de Krosmaga,petit aperçu d'un des persos que j'ai animé pour celle-ci: Une Eniripsa Paladir super Badass

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Do you like drhellers? So do we! There are plenty of them, for all classes and all kinds of decks, in the new Necros and Paladirs expansion.

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Make way for the Paladirs! To start off your week-end on a good note, here's a few of these knights you may have never seen.

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You may have seen this guy in the trailers before... A Sram Paladir! With an equipment like thist, he must be dangerous at arms wrestling!

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Toot leaves the locker room and joins the Necros and Paladirs team on June 28th! You can still pre-order if you haven't done so already.

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Pre-order for Krosmaga's first expansion "Necros and Paladirs" is now available! Get it before June 27th!

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