


『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fanart

32 143


『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』 Fan art

22 89


『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art

28 95


"僕" が物語の結末に向かい合うために "共病文庫" を読んだのが劇場アニメ版『君の膵臓をたべたい』では、たぶん8月29日(原作小説は30日? )

『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art https://t.co/XIPUhV6BcL

13 55


日が傾いた雨晴海岸でのツインテール桜良は至高の一瞬の虹なんだよ( ✧Д✧) カッ!!

ファンアートとはいえ7月に重い色は流石に暑いのでパーカーの色は変えてしまったの介(・ω<) テヘペロ

『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art

15 70

原作小説に近い "劇場アニメ『君の膵臓をたべたい』" を地道に推していく活動は2023年下半期も続けていくナリヨッ( ๑°ω°๑)و グッ!

『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art

18 71

also read I Want to Eat Your Pancreas today
absolutely devastating, I need 3-5 business days to emotionally recover

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『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art

37 125

Acabo de terminar de ver I Want to Eat Your Pancreas y fuaaa que peliculaza, la disfrute un montón pero a que costo...

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映画本編での "僕" の最後の台詞なんだけど「桜良が舞ってる」とイメージして描いてみました。

『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art

16 112

B-BUT PANCREAS!!!! We have s-so much history together… don’t we? Would you really throw all of that away right now 🥺?

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- 3/3/1921 - Discovery of

🖼️An illustration of Canadian scientists Frederick G. & Charles H. in the laboratory, testing insulin on a

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what if i stole your pancreas? no healthcare allowed. you pay it with nothing but your teachers salary. see how long you last white lady.

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Felix has a pancreas inflammation and alongside his monthly thyroid medication we need help covering the vet bills😔

10$ per sketch (b/w or monochrome color like in the pic), via p*ypal - DM me if interested!

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『I Want to Eat Your Pancreas』Fan art

桜良は「生きていてほしい」への答えを "海" で伝えるつもりだったんじゃないかな
寿命が半分に縮まったことや "僕" への想いとか……自分の背中を押すために "海" を選んだ

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DEGEN ALERT! TOONZ bought for 0.62 ETH by balzgolf_eth from deadpancreas https://t.co/z90V5JTdvy

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💕HAPPY VALENTINES DAY💕 you better accept my gift or I’ll eat your pancreas!!!!

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L’amore seppe allora di chiamarsi amore. E quando sollevai i miei occhi al tuo nome il tuo cuore d’improvviso dispose la mia strada.
Pablo Neruda
Dal film Voglio mangiare il tuo pancreas

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