I hope their children will resemble their parents.🥳
I haven't decided on a name yet, but I am drawing them as if they were twins.🥰

4 36

Magia's parents.
Her mother is a witch and her father is just a regular person

19 156

Just some proud Owl parents. now I sleep.

254 2039

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, little Trunks-kun is so cute. Vegeta and a little Trunks-kun are good parents.

1 39

Banshee girl with ghost of her parents...👻👻

90 586

My headcanon for Yanfei's parents. They'd suit a romcom genre of adeptus x human 😂

3564 22912

If 1.2 is implemented my daughter will cry to her parents.

What are your thoughts on Aeon's body size?
Is the daughter bigger than her parents?
Or are the parents many times bigger than the daughter?
Or are they roughly the same size?

3098 16275

Two announcements!

1. Until the end of April 9th (PDT), upload up to two photos of food you cooked to I'll react to them Uncle Ver style.

2. Our next radio stream will be a CONFESSION STREAM! Send things you would NEVER share with your parents. Deadline TBD!

465 3769

I mean. Not really? There can just be multiple kinds of Titan, canine and humanoid Titans being some of them. We already know Titans are a very diverse race based on their variety of wings, horns, teeth, etc. And like, not all kids look exactly like their parents.

0 1

They will definitely be good parents.

994 8095

They could be the perfect parents for Dekis and Medea, Eros looks more like Thesion Solon than to his own parents 😭🙏

No wonder that Medea envied Eros' privileges, and hated being compared to him because of the vastly different treatment they received from their parents.

2 38


You know how much I love the fact that these two aren't romantically involved? Just two friends healing from their ex/widow while raising a kid they both love?

Love me some healthy platonic co-parents.

785 7708

About to go to sleep and the fire alarm wakes up me and my parents.
The amount of bricks I just shat is obscene, sick of living in this fucking place lmao

0 2

in 1993, teenager charlie grimille was tasked as an understudy for his schools performance of a play titled ‘the gallows.’. during the opening night performance, a prop malfunctioned, immediately hanging and killing him in front of the audience, his peers, and his parents.

11 170

He's Amit, Aster's cousin but they don't know they are related. Amit has fire powers that can be really destructive, he lives in Ne-no-kuni with his parents. He's tired 24/7, wants to sleep constantly but the trainings he do are against his will, lol. He's kind of a yandere too.

9 39


0 2

Cirrus is not used to being surrounded by all those people, after all he is a quiet, shy child.
His thoughts do not go to his mother because he has no idea what could have happened. The only thing he is looking for is his parents.

4 153

Vincent's almost always the last to be picked up by his parents. Sometimes nobody comes, and he just goes home alone.

1 1

Final part.
Annette sleeps with her new parents.
Annette will remember her old parents.
The End!
(New comic coming soon, this new comic is different)

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Today is Roy's birthday! It is worth mentioning that Roy has a very special affection towards his "parents" because they saved him and adopted him when he was very young. He awes and respects his parents.

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