Day 93: C is for creamy-breasted fig-parrot (Cyclopsitta amabilis), coastal NE New Guinea, part of the orange-breasted fig-parrot superspecies. Uncommon to rare, and we can't find any verifiable photos; lithograph of a male by Keulemans (1898) via

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C is for Coxen's fig-parrot (Cyclopsitta coxeni), SE Queensland and NE New South Wales, Australia. Endangered due to habitat clearance, rarely seen or photographed; mature population may be only 50-250. Pic from Gould's "The Birds of Australia" via

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Only the male blue-collared parrot (Geoffroyus simplex) of New Guinea, today's species (under B) in actually has a blue collar. Photos are rare, so here's a plate from Gould's "The birds of New Guinea and the adjacent Papuan islands" (1875-1888) via

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