We're excited to have represent Parthian this week in w/ & & . Read about this collaboration here: https://t.co/gOuw4hE5ID

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Staying in over the Catch 's unforgettable series 'High Hopes' on here: https://t.co/m5whf9p2th

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Looking for a literary magazine taking new submissions? Check out 's submission requirements & get writing: https://t.co/BVxT4IPiCL

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Want to build better reading habits? It's never too late. Check out this list of tips & reply with which one helps you! https://t.co/8SdnkuAXrC

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'Don’t compare yourself to the success of others at your age.' -Sally. Read the advice of 30 other women writers in this piece: https://t.co/d68tPEcnG8

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