Always bittersweet to end a season of the but we'll be back shortly for followed by Unannounced Project, and Season 4 just around the corner from there!

Until then, Shadow Council, may our labours please you 💀

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Monarchies of Mau was at and fans were saying it's purr-fect! If you couldn't get your copy, swing by to pick one up! Your cats will show their appreciation by ignoring you and then loudly demanding to be fed. We promise.

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I will probably tweet this a couple times this week: If you see me at please come up and say hi! I will have stickers with me! Also, I will be spending some time painting in the minis area. I invite any and all to hang out and paint with me!

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So much hard work lately prepping for it’s time for a night off! It’s only fitting in honor of (that will be played later), we officially introduce our This adorable little guy was created by to be our official mascot 🐉

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