I drew in the style of the portraits in and is drawn by @/Krooked_Glasses, I really wish that the series would continue but hey, at least I could rewatch it for the 8th time now.

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I don't usually post art for current HC seasons because I don't want to spoil the season for anyone, but I'm proud- and I think as long as there's no explanation, it won't be too spoiler-y. ^^' So here it is!

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I drew my brand new icon in the style of the HC portraits of the PBG HC series!

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I'm really loving this series of so I drew good ol' playing the trumpet (in space, cuz it's n stuff)

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Made a random -ish thing because I felt like it. And no, it doesn't have anything to do with Starbound HC.

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Just a thing for a steampunk AU. (More info on said AU here: https://t.co/Q6ClWJIxLE Yeah I know it's dumb)

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