Started a city of mist campaign, here’s my PC; Sable, the weatherman and rift of the Black Shuck

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昨日から、ゆるゆると『Apocalypse Keys』を読み進め。既存のPbtAのメカニズムをうまく取り込んで、新しいシステムに組み上げているのが面白いですね。特に『Libreté』『Brindlewood Bay』『Urban Shadows』の影響が大きく。

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1年近く遅れていたイタリア産のPbtA作品『Fantasy World』ですが、Kickstarter支援者向け配布が始まりました。D&Dに根ざした『ダンジョン・ワールド』とは異なり、ファンタジー冒険ノベルのような方向を目指してます。ルール的には、DWよりかは元祖『Apocalypse Word』寄り。

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あと、この前購入した幽霊屋敷TRPG『Our Haunt』のルールブックを流し読み。PbtAベースのシステムで、使うリソースはトークンのみのダイスレスルール。基本的にワンダーホームと同じ遊び方が出来そうですね。PCのプレイブックに「猫」がいるので強い。

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An odd collection of monster hunters have been called to the North Pole by Mrs. Clause to deal with an unexpected problem on Christmas Eve.

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Navathem's End by and is a TTRPG where you play as agents trying to stop the Apocalypse. The game uses a kitbash system of PbtA, FiD and OSR. Navathem's End is all about wielding defiance in the face of a calamity and building a better future!

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This week on Party of One, joins me as our monstrous investigators delve into a long-forgotten DIVISION mystery in APOCALYPSE KEYS, a PbtA RPG of monsters fighting the apocalypse!

Available wherever you get your favorite TTRPG podcasts!

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✨D & D✨C 0 M M 1 S S 1 O NS✨
D&D, PbtA, any TTRPG or MMORPG, or just some regular OCs! I'm trying out some new illustration options for a bit, so no idea if this is temporary or permanent.
Drop me a line if you're interested. RTs appreciated!!

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In a surprise Hearts of Wulin is in the new Apocalypse Engine 5 collection of PbtA ttrpgs. It's a dynamite set of games. At the base level you get the excellent Last Fleet, the wild & smart Pigsmoke, and three Magpie Games ashcans.

5 8

In a surprise Hearts of Wulin is in the new Apocalypse Engine 5 collection of PbtA ttrpgs. It's a dynamite set of games. At the base level you get the excellent Last Fleet, the wild & smart Pigsmoke, and three Magpie Games ashcans.

1 3

The Apocalypse Keys ks is livegoing strong, and kicking down stretch goals-- this is an amazing game developed by . It has potent combination of PbtA, monster hunting, monsters hunting monsters, emotions, a great PbtA mystery system & the end of everything.

4 13

In a surprise Hearts of Wulin is in the new Apocalypse Engine 5 collection of PbtA ttrpgs. It's a dynamite set of games. At the base level you get the excellent Last Fleet, the wild & smart Pigsmoke, and three Magpie Games ashcans.

1 6

In a surprise Hearts of Wulin is in the new Apocalypse Engine 5 collection of PbtA ttrpgs. It's a dynamite set of games. At the base level you get the excellent Last Fleet, the wild & smart Pigsmoke, and three Magpie Games ashcans.

10 22

The Apocalypse Keys ks is livegoing strong, and kicking down stretch goals-- this is an amazing game developed by . It has potent combination of PbtA, monster hunting, monsters hunting monsters, emotions, a great PbtA mystery system & the end of everything.

5 25

The Apocalypse Keys ks is live and going strong-- this is an amazing game developed by . It offers a potent combination of PbtA, monsters, monster hunting, monsters hunting monsters, emotions, and the end of everything. So good.

7 14


Master of the Labyrinth, Noctis is one of the most devious and dangerous spirits in the Red Desert.

It is also a powerful ally for Wizards willing to SUMMON it. +

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Gauntlet Playlists: Monster of the Week
We have a playlist of 65 sessions of this PbtA game of mysteries, monsters, and hunts for answers.. 
On the Gauntlet YouTube channel we keep curated sets of playlists, broken down by system and/or campaigns.

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Hearts of Wulin, our PbtA game of wuxia melodrama, on is now a Gold Best Seller on DTRPG. It emulates films like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, TV series like The Untamed, and martial arts novels from Jin Yong & Gu Long. In these tales, romance is as dangerous as a blade.

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It's y'all!
What have y'all been working on? What's new in your world?
Lemme see!

If you don't have a current project, post something fun/interesting about your game or world!

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After the Mind, the World Again - a game based on One detective player and the four voices in his head that are the GMs solve a collaborative murder mystery :3

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