Hey I'm Zilla, designer by day, artist by night, and I like drawing beefy men, monsters and toons. Right now I am drawing Mads Mikkelsen as Hannibal with rippling pectorals.

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I found this old drawing...

It was for universe friends were gonna make called Moo Moo Racers. and it was a bunch of Buff Cows/Bulls based on Milk flavours that raced on a track.

Mine is Milky, based on French Vanilla
Those are the best pectorals ill ever draw.

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So u just gotta see the human body as a big puzzle game and remember that ur arm is connected to ur pectorals so when u move ur arm ur pecs are stretched as well

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it took me a lil while to get used to drawing wings, i looked at quite a few different references and honestly at this point i'm okay with how my wings look :)

(it also gives me a good giggle knowing that having wings kinda gives a double shoulder type aka 4 pectorals LOL)

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Happy birthday Ollie! I hope you enjoy your gifts, you already saw them but I want the world to see your pectorals

Happy birthday man xD have a good time

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The OC vs the Inspiration 💙🌊

For my Fontaine OC, Noah de Vaguemorte:
Fiercely devoted and loyal retainer✅
Tall, brooding gentleman with massive pectorals ✅
Self-loathing executioner ✅

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I also post to DeviantArt()! Because I want people overseas to see my work☃️ But I haven't mastered it yet☃️ I think it might be good for people who like muscle men☃️ ※Mostly for adult.


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More thoughts on Cretalamna today. The most unexpected thing about the body fossils is the position of the first dorsal fin above the pectorals. In all other lamniforms, the first dorsal is behind the pectorals.

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By NOT exaggerating the pectorals, the character's arms feel even more impressive. But since their chests and overall torsos read as more "normal" sized, they don't come off as unnaturally huge body builders. It was such a smart decision!

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One major difference between Bolo and Bengus/90s Capcom art was that while Bolo had MASSIVE chest muscles, Capcom actually intentionally downplayed the pectorals on their fighting game characters.

Incoming art analysis thread! ...

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出た!教廷お得意のGreater pectorals muscleモード!

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“how to stop ur bf from grabbing ur BIG MANLY PECTORALS (not boobs)” *enter search*

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Leisure Suit Larry III: Passionate Patti in Pursuit of the Pulsating Pectorals, 1990. Sierra On-Line.

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"wow bro, that's some manly pectorals right here!"
she grabs a handful of his fat tits
"they're bigger than most bimbos, you're lucky i found a boy bra that fits!"
slaps his huge ass
"look and round and macho that ass is! ideal male body, uh uh"

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