Had the hardest time thinking of Sylgrid fan kid ideas until mentioned the trio pegasisters.

I haven't though of a name for them yet, but the placeholder names are Daisy, Lily, and Primrose. Daisy and Lily are twins but idk who has which names.

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Today marks 3 years since the Movie was released.

It was a great Movie. When I first saw in theaters, their were pack with Bronies and Pegasisters. I also love how the animation looks, they also used it on the Rainbow Roadtrip special as well.

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Retweet if you want to find your forever Pony on https://t.co/B6EDUEsW0m. We are a Dating Site for Bronies and Pegasisters.

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Oww look at this picture, is not that adorable? , that seems and

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