[Comic] Stress response

I've been on a break for 2 months so far, I'm not sure if I want to go back yet. But if I choose not to, the way forward is uncertain and scary.

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[Pencil Comics] How much of caffeine can a human take again?

It's been a while, slowly getting back in the art game! 💪

4 16

[Comic] "It's impossible a hot drink will get cold in 1 hour" - According to a customer who came into our store demanding for a fresh cup of coffee to be made 30 mins after we closed.

0 9

[Comic] A bit late but some time ago we had differentiated measures implemented in Singapore and my shifts felt like this.

0 27

[Comic] I found this in my drive and realised I haven't post it anywhere yet. When barista spells your name weird.

3 10

[Pencil-kun Art] Mahjong a̵d̵d̵i̵c̵t̵ master Pencil is ready to rock the table!

1 13