# artist drawing imaginaryworld pendrawing アートのある暮らし イラスト デザイン デザインアート ペン画 私の世界 絵描き 想像の世界 暮らしの中に彩りを 瞑想 絵画販売 原画 cartoon artwork graffiti tagging sketchbook logo procreate skateboard art_dailydose chump creativeart illustrator pencilsketch effortless inkdrawing sundaymorning darkart ipad skate spraypaint drip skull smiles noeffort merida meridabrave brave disneybrave disneyprincess disneyfanart disneyart disney sketch illustration illust comicart fanart sketsapensil sketches pencildrawing pencilcolor coloredpencil pencilart art arts emsanycommunity nft benin pendrawings nfts nftmarketplace web3 illustrations weirdfaces wierdart facedoodle cartoonist sketchbookart penandinkdrawing penandinkart penillustration surrealart graphicnovelist kidlitart イラスト好きな人と繋がりたい illustraion artistsontwitter クワガタ stagbeetle drawings digitaldrawing drawingoftheday drawingsketch drawingart figuredrawing mydrawing lifedrawing coolart drawingideas drawingtutorial drawingpencil watercolor 細密画 細密 アナログ 絵描きさんと繋がりたい 雲の守人 イラスト好きさんと繋がりたい 絵描きさんと繫がりたい ドーナツ afroart horrorart demon penart creepyart 絵描きさんとつながりたい 再会の手 飛行機 イラスト好きと繋がりたい childrensbookillustration cozyart cafe mice ipadair artworkdrawing painting abstract abstractdrawing abstractpainter abstractartwork abstractart degitalart degitalabstactart dailyartwork mouse


is an Contemporary Visual Ballpoint Pen Artist from 🇧🇯 that creates that speak for people who can not speak for themselves ✊🏿🌍

Check out his piece "The Hustle" 🦾

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is an Contemporary Visual Ballpoint Pen Artist creating speaking for people who can not speak for themselves ✊🏿🌍

Check out his piece "Economical Manipulation"

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Lurking in the shadows of the crypt unnoticed by the weary travelers hides an scientific dark evil . It is one that feeds upon souls.. the more tortured the better. Ball point pen.#horrorart

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A little field mouse enjoys the colors of autumn along with the cool breezy weather. It won’t last for much longer.

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