The with the highest value are those holding ONI GIRI OG Rare Pepe Cards. and Opepe card holders also get special drops from and Discord fame!

4 7

PEPENIN | Rare Pepe | 1/60 sold for 1.50 WETH ($2,600.68)

Previously sold for 1.50 ETH ($2,628.36)
Floor Price: 0.00999

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My Rarest pepes

PEPENIN - 60 Suppy

Crazy to me you can get these for less than 10 eth when I see cards with 150-300 supply selling for multiples of that

0 37

Just picked up a PEPENIN by , a Rare Pepe artist from Japan who is super talented. This card was initially a 1/100 released Sep 20th of 2017, he recently destroyed 40 editions of PEPENIN 4 days ago and I feel like this pepe is super undervalued

0 11

Series 29, Card 24
Sep 20th, 2017
100 Issued, 40🔥 (60 supply)
3 ETH on OpenSea

Since twitter character count is too small, I've added the artists thoughts as a picture for each card.

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painting rocks . . memories of good times in the Cape Peninsula

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