
Personnel Director Bright's Personnel File
CC BY-SA 3.0

8 137

Ayumi Modeling Agency personnel gallery:

The executives!

One of them I already introduced previously, https://t.co/R8pIejlxGV

and more coming

40 285

Everyday I wake up!

And I see another essay on why the commander should raw fuck the entirety of G&K personnel


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Colonel Louise Favier Ferchichi

French-Algerian GIGN Officer. in a relationship with ACSD Personnel Adam E. Smith.


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German Elf Sniper. Loves anything about Kaiserreich and Prussia. Never go to sleep without reciting Clausewitz in her mumbled whispers first. Can snipe targets up to 4000 yards with her large calibre sniper rifles.

In an Affair with fellow ACSD personnel, Kavanaugh

28 347

Type 2 security personnel, Space Force Division.

8 58

Dr Clef's Personnel File
CC BY-SA 3.0

Dr Kondraki's Personnel File
著者:Dr Kondraki
CC BY-SA 3.0

34 243


Dr Clef's Personnel File
CC BY-SA 3.0 https://t.co/8D3NhbnFDM

17 161

Who knew an anti personnel mine capable to cook

19 190

Organization/Personnel Description🤔wip

20 134

Item SCP-001

Object Class: Neutralized

Special Containment Procedures: Remains of SCP-001 -- which consist of plasma exo-particles -- are to be kept within a vacuum-sealed glass container. All Area-21 personnel must handle this container with care to avoid any calamities. https://t.co/Jy6V8eqiFW

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wow after 1 year I finally did something I should do first, introducing the armed forces of Katskaya, and a small description of their army, air force, and the intelligence division.

and featuring the dress uniform and the combat uniform for both male and female personnel

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Je suis Raphael, illustrateur /animateur 2D béninois. Mes illustrations personnelles sont inspirées des couleurs de l’Afrique, alors je partage avec vous ce qui me passionne ☺️

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Là où de nombreuses œuvres s’attardent sur le rétablissement post-opératoire, "Les Lois du cœur" prend un chemin de traverse, à la limite de la science, de la croyance et du ressenti personnel.
Rendez-vous sur BoDoï pour en savoir plus sur ce titre : https://t.co/HhR4lWEkOU

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Un masque idéal faits de mensonges et de complexes.

Un dessin personnel aujourd'hui représentant mon sona, tenant le symbole d'une idéalité de mon enfance que j'ai finalement laissé tomber.

3 8

here my all Teachers and the other personnel in Rbf school id card picture

School au belong to

6 22

GRAH! This guy's oc suck! So I made her better and cooler!
Instead of BORING OLD Carol........I've made Cacophony, the dark wizard of the blackhole dimension! She's awesome because she loves killing and knives and blood and death ☠️

"Psh..... nothing....personnel...kid..."

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et je m'inspire souvent de son style pour créer des choses personnelles (mais AAAHHHHH il est trop fort ptn).
Le mouvement, les couleurs, le style, je trouve tout cool dans son travail ! (j'aime particulièrement ses illus pour Ruined King, woaaaah)

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Coming soon to Neural Cloud is Erika of UAS!
Erika is the PNC representative of UAS' second generation of SP VII Dolls.
Jointly developed by UAS and SHI, the SP VIIs are a series of counselor Dolls designed for both combat and emotional stress management of fellow SF personnel.

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