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My Hades and Pesrsephone AU has a name finally. The draft for chapter 8 is done and its getting cute uwu

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Since it's Spooktober, why don't we give my Cosplay Pikachu a spotlight, with all her costumes? Meet Persphone Wilder, from my previous post of the Lycanroc hoodie~ She's a Cosplay Pikachu, works as a barista, and -loves- dressing up~! Drawn by the awesome CevRosa over on FA.

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Screenshot redraws of persphone from cuz she is just to cute and I cant help myself💖💖

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Quick fanart of Persphone from because I'm in love with 's wonderful webtoon! ✨✨I'm really rusty but I tried my best, I hope you like it!

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Gift for my bestie of her OC Persphone! ♡

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