💎Hey, little heroes! Just a little reminder that contributor apps for✨Superboy SuperZine✨close in 2 WEEKS, on June 8th!

🦇Whether you know him as Kon-El or Conner Kent, help us support our favorite big bro in his newest project!

💎Don't miss out! Apply now!

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Some merch design for
It's not final but really fun. Tried three different styles! (So Hoid is always my subject to experiment with XD)

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[original] art i made for a PDF perzine dedicated to an old OC, featuring art new and old, about my experiences with depression
after finishing it the idea of someone having something so personal on their computer made me feel fear. maybe i'll share it some day, but not today

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i made a tiny scrappy little animal crossing/stardew valley-themed perzine, Flowers Look Like Weeds, that you can download for free from Gumroad, where u can also download almost all of all the zine content i've ever created FOR FREE: https://t.co/KbzrmZfSaS

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ANOTHER PREVIEW!! I had an absolute BLAST working on my piece for !! :D

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I completely forgot to upload my contribution to . in my twitter XD

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Aaaaaaaaaaaa I've been outed once again as trash omfg
Jk, I'm in another zine! The <3 I'm so honored to be included with all these great creatives, check it out if you get the chance!

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Battle Jacket Club vol.3▶︎10/20(土)15:00〜新宿IRAで集まりましょう!
11月はお休み、12月はPerzine Bluesと同時開催の予定です。

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I just put my latest zine "Clips" on Etsy! It's about Depression but also New Beginnings🌱GET IT HERE: https://t.co/Rs1fRq8B09

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https://t.co/BvQfdV8CWN if you like those shirts vote for them here guys~ (my jasperzine entry)

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yoooo im drawing for a jasperzine tooo~

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-- -- -- -- -- 10月のイベント-- -- -- -- --
▶10/23/日 Pink Queendom 19:00~25:00
▶10/29/土 Perzine Blues Syndrome 新宿IRA 15:00~20:00

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