The Apexis Civilization, Primordial Draenor (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume II)

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Aegwynn clashes with the Avatar of Sargeras in Northrend (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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Blue dragons descend on the Highborne in the forest of Moonsong (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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The Dragon Aspects bless the World Tree Nordrassil (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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Pandaren serpent riders strike at the Zandalari trolls (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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The Zandalari troll capital, Zuldazar (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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Tyr's silver hand and its vrykul caretakers (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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Sargeras and the Burning Legion (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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The Titan-forged battle the Elemental Lords (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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Sargeras destroys the corrupted world-soul (World of Warcraft Chronicle: Volume I)

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