Rascal, tired of being treated like a kid and still crushing on Roach Girl, is coaxed into betraying Crimson.

Read more 👉 https://t.co/mMsmax2K3l

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In general, the art looks like it came from a full art team for full trade paperback comic books.

Read more 👉 https://t.co/rsr9UpGUj4

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Each story takes the simple idea of “too many chooks” and explores it in a unique and entertaining way.

Read the full article: Too Many Chooks?

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You too could get beautiful art like this, just commission Peter Wilson for your piece of goodness
he can be found at @ bypeterwilson on Instagram
If he has time I'm sure he'll whip you up something amazing like this

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Drawn in a simple, cartoony style, Lisle’s characters – even the chooks – clearly convey the emotional range required by the tale.

Read more 👉 https://t.co/nqi97kjxNd

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What better way to showcase the amazing diversity of creativity out there?

Read more 👉 https://t.co/9PIEnUEkdk

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I've self published a couple of issues of my own comic under the Scoundrel Creative banner and have more projects I'm hoping to launch soon

Read the full article: Peter Wilson

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Howdy all, I'm a creator (and obsessive) collector of comics and animations based on the Central Coast/Hunter area in NSW.

Read the full article: Peter Wilson

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Crimson & RascalFoesScoundrel Creative

Read the full article: Peter Wilson

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Funny comic creator, indie cartoonist, digital artist, concept art

Read more 👉 https://t.co/pig48kjkyP

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Scribbler and scrawler of comics & digital art

Read more 👉 https://t.co/y4MAjIUYN6

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I've self published a couple of issues of my own comic under the Scoundrel Creative banner and have more projects I'm hoping to launch soon

Read more 👉 https://t.co/ERCLVrW9nY

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Howdy all, I'm a creator (and obsessive) collector of comics and animations based on the Central Coast/Hunter area in NSW.

Read the full article: Peter Wilson

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