【犬義さん】夏迄にスタートした『東京Routine』、『PETNAT 135°』に続いて今年中に複数企画を始める予定の『東京Neighbors』ch。引き続きイラストレーター犬義さんにイメージイラスト描きおろして頂いてます♪画像は7月打合せの資料(掲載許可頂いてます)。完成楽しみな♪ https://t.co/KiLRkHSb2B

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Drew some cyberpunk adopts~ I love all of them so much ;w; It was fun to draw them!
All 4 sold to Supetnaturalist, but don't worry, I'll draw more adoptables soon (probably DnD themed)

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Ignatz and Petra! Ig...tra? Petnatz? Ahh, whatever. They're a very charming pair, and while most of Ignatz's supports that involve him wanting to explore the world to enhance his art and appreciate other cultures are great, this one is especially so.

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Here's the second piece selected for Illustration West 57! Boston Terrier wine label for Hibernal 2016!

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